dough boys造句
- Or to portray Martians as anorexic versions of the Little Dough Boy?
- You felt like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, interviewing these physical paragons.
- S . Forbes : ( UP ) : GOP Dough Boy spending millions.
- He also starred in the 2008 film " Dough Boys ".
- No wonder the Pillsbury Dough Boy keeps giggling.
- It's difficult to find dough boys in a sentence. 用dough boys造句挺难的
- I call it the Pillsbury Dough Boy effect.
- Our dough boys awaited a given hour,
- One example is the Pillsbury Dough Boy.
- Pictured alongside the text is a picture of the dough boy cheerily waving to readers.
- But don't think the Hoosiers are playing like a bunch of dough boys.
- Memorabilia on display range from Burma Shave signs to ceramic renderings of the Pillsbury Dough Boy.
- But co-workers referred to him as the " Pillsbury dough boy ."
- I think this economy is kind of like the Pillsbury dough boy _ it continues to soften,
- He also wrote and directed the film " Dough Boys ", released in 2008.
- If we had wanted the Pillsbury Dough Boy as a driver, we would have hired Jimmy Spencer.
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